How Rowland school teachers prepare for Common Core curriculum

It may be called Common Core, but the teaching techniques are anything but common. As instructors in Rowland Unified discovered during two days of workshops.
School districts have been gearing up for the implementation of Common Core over the past couple of years. Anxious teachers have been learning how to adapt their teaching styles to the new guidelines.
“They’re anxious because it sounds like everything is new,” explained Jeanette Chien, Rowland’s executive director of educational services. “But this is their opportunity to share ideas because we need to teach differently for Common Core.”
She says the goal is to develop students who can think independently. This is quite a change from the memorization that many of us grew up with.
“The instruction will be more rigorous for both the students and the teachers,” Chien said. “But, we need to do a better job of preparing our students for college and careers afterward.”
Hundreds of teachers in grades three to six were training in language arts at Killian Elementary in Rowland Heights on Tuesday.
Chien mentioned three of the biggest changes in the new curriculum. Students will now read much more nonfiction. Pupils will also learn to look for text-based evidence.
“They will be taught to substantiate their opinions with facts,” Chien said.
There will also be an emphasis on academic vocabulary. She said students are fine with conversational language, but can’t read academic literature. Click HERE for entire story!